Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Man from Mars, Women from Venus??Really??

Hi gorgeous!!

You guys pernah baca buku "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"??

Do you know that it's actually a good book?? Do you know it can actually help in your relationship??

Its a very simple book..really..with simple words..very easy to understand the point that the writer try to deliver to us...

But why the title is like that?? Tak ada title lain yang lagi panjang ke? (sarcasm) The title is like that to make the book look cool you know..Haha..No lah~ it's actually to really show you that MEN and WOMEN are totally different..different characters..way of thinking..blabla..etc2..but somehow when the love is there..they can live so called "happy ending" world..but things change when they started to forget that they are Men assume Women can have the same way of thinking like man always do and Women assume Men can have the same feeling like women always have..Got it???

But by using this differences in a good and healthy way, you can actually create more wonderful world with your own partner..that's the whole idea of this book..which the writer close up in each of the problem occurs in every couple..first few chapter he make us really understand the different between Men and

- they don't really get into feelings..they prefer to do something else instead of to think about the problem deeply.
- they always find the answer..try to solve problem by themselves..
- they like to help others..but if they have problems, they prefer to keep it by themselves.

- they are always to think of their problem more deeply as for them, the more they think, the more they will find solution for the problem..
- they always need guide..that's why they always talk..because for them, they feel more relieve when they talk about the problem even though they still don't find any solution..easy way to say..they need someone that can hear them..

They are plenty more!! Which is definitely the differences make Men and Women not the same creature at all!! But somehow when we look at it deeply, it actually been made so that Men and Women can complete each other.. For example, Women need someone to hear about their problems and Man often offer that hearing services and also offer solutions..beautiful isn't??

But the problem comes in a relationship when Men and Women start to forget all this!!

Again for example:
"Nina terpaksa menghadapi orang2 yang bermasalah yang tak berapa nak reti bahasa di tempat kerja beliau bila orang2 ni suka benar menyibuk hal ehwal orang lain..Pada Nina, perkara ini amatlah mendatangkan stress kepadanya disebabkan orang2 ini juga suka menceritakan perilaku Nina walaupon Nina tak kenal pon sesetengah daripada orang2 tersebut (nampak tak stress tu?)..Maka Nina pon pulang  ke rumah..menceritakan hal ini dengan suaminya, Syah. Niat Nina hanyalah ingin berkongsi kerana bagi Nina, dia hanyalah mahu melepaskan tekanan di kepala..Sebaliknya bagi Syah, Nina sedang meminta pertolongan beliau untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut..maka apabila Syah cuba memberi komen..Nina start moody sebab Nina merasakan Syah terus memberi solution sebab tak mahu lagi mendengar bebelannya.." And so...there will be this common thing that we call as miscommunication!!

And so..this book will provide you the answer for it..which I cannot tell the whole of the book here la kan..Why Men act like this when they are stress? Why Women talks too much? How to act when your partner starts to run away from you? All will get the answer from the book!!

Till then,

-Puan Sawang-

1 comment:

  1. Abis tu Puan Sawang nie dari venus kee....? passport kaler apa..? heee aneway nice entry.. utk buat mini rujukan kpd makhluk2 kat luar sana yg x bape suke mmbaca buku2 genre cm nie


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